Bagel Love
My relationship with Harlem has love affair written all over it. When it's good, I'm high as a kite. I've got a skip in my step as I cross each neighborhood block, eagerly anticipating what the day will bring. There are little surprises, inside jokes, mysteries to unfold and a deep well of stories that I have only begun to mine. I feel excited, fortunate and mostly... inspired.
But when it's bad, I can't breathe—like the neighborhood is suffocating me. These are dark days when I have trouble letting the annoyances here roll off me; days that I am angry about all the trash on the sidewalks, upset by the incessant cursing I hear on the streets and the late-night stream of men proposing hot bagel love as I make my way home from the subway.
In the journalism graduate school program I attended in Chicago, I was trained to not only get both sides of a story, but to get as many sides as possible. I recognize that this is simply a blog, but I feel obligated to crawl out of my skin and provide, however small, some amount of objectivity in my posts. Lately, however, that has proved difficult, as my bagel is a bit broken.
I suppose what I'm feeling is nothing new to New Yorkers, and certainly isn't confined to my neck of the woods uptown. It's a tough city no matter where you live.
My love affair with Harlem is up and down; it ebbs and flows and veers off track. Only time will tell if we're a good match. But for now, it's a ride I will continue to take—with caution and optimism.