A Jewish girl from Indiana navigates the maze of New York City real estate and finds herself residing in East Harlem Soho. Her stories reflect upon the notion of ‘home’ and the quest behind finding the right one. This site is dedicated to the search for a Bagel in around Harlem.
Some of the real flavor of Harlem
Great post
No need for Oscar Blandi when you're Uptown, Bagel
As a Black person, I have mixed feelings about this. Black people would characterize this as "coon - English, plain & simple". It reinforces all the stereotypical notions and perceptions of Black folks.
I don't know any Black people that say, "'Sho Nuff" for example. This is truly no different than signage of the old south with Black folks eating watermelons, happy as clams grinning from ear to ear.
Aunt Jamimah & Uncle Ben are historical stereo types that had to undergo "contemporarizing" to some degree. These merchants would do well for themeselves to update their signage as well.
Sure, on one level it's interesting, however on another level, it's entirely embarrassing and plays true to all the worse stereotypical perspectives of the community.
i actually walked into sho nuff for a haircut. i was just looking to chop off my long locks, and being impulsive. i figured i would go toni and guy when in london next week and get it fixed.
lo behold, the skinny gay dude with the great locks, gave me the best haircut of my life.
fluke? maybe?
all i know, is i walked only 3 blocks down and paid less than 50bucks for the best shaggy bob ive ever seen.
no shit.
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