Harlem Mythology?

An editorial in today's New York Sun states that mythology has taken up residence in the neighborhood.
Claiming that the boom here is "like a cloud of nitrous oxide" that causes giddiness in area real estate, the writer examines what's bringing the "prosperous and largely white newcomers" to the neighborhood and how those interests are driving the condo-market into the stratosphere.
"Developers have wasted no time in building large, boxy structures to answer the needs of the new-comers. Though most of these are mediocre..."One exception to the mediocrity? According to the writer, the Lenox, on 129th Street.
I disagree. The Lenox is a bore. Dull. There are much more interesting developments taking shape in the neighborhood, like La Casa Brava:
Don’t think it’s “mythology”, I think it’s “potential” that most can see.
Harlem has beautiful streets and avenues of 100 yr old architecture on a scale that downtown Manhattan has forever lost.
Only Park Slope has contiguous blocks on this scale, nowhere else in Manhattan.
There are even some blocks where the streetscape has not changed in 100 yrs, just take the cars away and you almost step back in time.
These buildings where neglected and abused for so long but thankfully survived the wrecking ball. Amazingly, much of the interior detail of these wonderful homes are there for restoration.
What new comers have is not mythology but a vision of what can be and is now being realized.
Hope these old buildings are not torn down to be replaced with big boxes.
The biggest vandals are the developers
Yea the Lenox is awful.
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