The Happiness Epidemic

As I was thumbing through New York Magazine's cover story on happiness, joy of all joys! I discovered a full-page advertisement for the Rhapsody on Fifth - a former church here in Harlem currently being converted into condominiums. It is fitting that the ad refers to the Rhapsody thusly:
"If happiness is a state of mind, Rhapsody is a state of living."

And there's more happy talk on the Rhapsody Web site...

The writer of the happiness article, Jennifer Senior, pointed out that one of the reasons New Yorkers are unhappier than most is due to all the choices we have here; that the person who only has two options for dinner, for example, is actually much happier than the person who has 12.
So do we go for bliss or delight? Contentment or euphoria? Go ahead and pick your happy! There's plenty to buy into here in Harlem...
Hey know, I think this might actually be my favorite post yet. I've considered buying here in Harlem but I'm not sure it will make me as happy as investing my money in a place elsewhere...meaning outside of New York. The reality is you get more for your money in other states and the quality of life is six fold.
That's true, post #1. I've often thought about it. But then again, every time I leave the City for a week or two, I can't wait to come back. There's just something about New York that makes me... happy :)
I think there are two kinds of people - those who were meant to live in the City and those who weren't. I personally believe those of us in the first group were just born with a faster pulse and need to be in the only City that's fast enough for us.
Anyway. I love New York. Just wanted to share it. Despite the horrible traffic this morning that made me half an hour late for work :)
Hi Bagel,
Enjoyed your post.
Poster has nothing to do with the fast pace of the city. It has to do with the quality of life and the property value being worth what you are paying for in my opinion. I have given it a lot of though and personally I don't want to be in a box of a condo/co-op as a senior when I could be living a better, higher quality lifestyle in more comfortable surroundings somewhere else. I'm not talking about Indiana but there are other cities comparable to NYC that have better qualities of life. I've actually lived in some.
Poster #4 - this is Poster #2.
You said it -- "as a senior" -- well, I am 28 years old. And much like most people buying in the City, I know perfectly well I'll probably sell within 10 years, hopefully at a profit -- but even if I break even, it's still worth it. The City is The City. There's no other like it. It's absolutely true - quality of life may be much higher elsewhere.
But only in New York can you go to a stand-up comedy club on a regular Saturday evening and have Robin Williams and Ray Roman drop by -- unexpected -- and do some stand-up, just for fun. Only in New York :)
But I am digressing out of the intended topic, which is actually Harlem. :)
nice to have you back, bagel! you were missed!
Happiness is having the bagel back!
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