Soda Bop

Back in Indiana, there wasn't a whole lot of Hip Hop music (it was John Cougar Mellencamp 24/7). We didn't have much soda pop either (all carbonated sugar drinks were referred to as "coke"). So I figure tomorrow's big announcement about Harlem's new HipHopSodaShop is a prime opportunity for me to get educated on the finer things in life.
Artist Juelz Santana and Chicago Bulls' guard Ben Gordon will be at the ESPN Zone Thursday to discuss plans for their new flagship store on 125th Street. Santana recently spoke on camera about the changes going on in the neighborhood.
“I'm just seeing what's going on in Harlem and it's like they’re just moving us out and bringing everyone else in,” Santana said on BET’s 106 & Park. “The way Harlem is going to be in a couple of years, a lot of things are going to be worth a lot of money.”
Approximately 45 million consumers are now spending $12.6 billion-dollars a year on Hip Hop media and merchandise worldwide. It's estimated that Harlem’s new store will bring about 100 new jobs to the area.
125th street can do better than this. The electronic gaming crap is so times square. Neigborhood needs quality development not glorified video arcades.
Agreed, though I don't mind this kind of shop either. However, I almost got excited when I read the words "ESPN Zone" in the post until I realized that it was the ESPN Zone in midtown - now that would be a nice addition to 125th Street!
What do you suggest is a "better" fit for 125th Street? Why shouldn't kids in the neighborhood be able to game without going out downtown for a change? Are we talking 5th Avenue boutiques type of better or something that will serve the community at large?
This has nothing to do with high-brow boutiques and coffee shops. I'm talking about a good book store, an interesting furniture shop, a gallery. INTERESTING retail that feeds the community mind and spirit.
right...and what about the youth?
how about sports & going to the park, seeing a movie, hanging out at the library, walking around the neighborhood? If kids want to play game boy they can do it at home (or go to times square)... Harlem doesn't need to devote a massive retail space to dumb down its kids.
I wouldn't be so inclined to let the Hip Hop influence me less you think "thuggery" is the way to go.
This is their experience not yours. Be proud of where you're from and who you are.
pish posh! let me see you do better. you are obviously a mentor in the neighborhood...a coach? A scout leader?
Santana should stick to the Guitar.
omg, I'm from IN and can relate to "Dr. Coug" (as we called him at IU, as he had an honorary doctorate) playing on the radio 24-7!
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