Famous Bagel

More Hotties in Harlem: With all the news about hotties coming to Harlem, why shouldn't Hollywood heartthrobs Edward Norton and Colin Farrell jump on the hottie bandwagon? No, they're not moving here, but they are starring in a movie that's being filmed today on my neighborhood block.
Large semis woke me up this morning (the ones pictured above) and when I looked out the window I saw that East 127th Street west of Madison Avenue was lined with movie trailors and production crews. According to IMDb, the film, "Pride & Glory," is about a family of New York City police officers torn apart by a corruption scandal. Filming will take place here throughout the day.
Harlem School on Sixty Minutes: Publicity of the "new Harlem renaissance" has made its way onto national television and CBS Correspondent Ed Bradley profiled one man leading the charge.
Pointing out that nearly all the children here live in poverty — and two-thirds of them score below grade level on standardized tests — Bradley did a segment on Goefreey Canada, a man who has made it his mission to save the neighborhood children through The Harlem Children's Zone. You can read about it and watch the Sixty Minutes clip here.
I was actually walking up Broadway in Manhattan Valley yesterday evening, when I heard a middle-aged man say, I gotta go home and watch 60 Minutes. I wonder if it was this story he was intending to watch. At the time, it seemed a pretty funny thing to say to some friends, but maybe it makes more sense now.
Seems to be a lot of filming uptown lately...Harlem Fur also has a crew on his block.
"SoBro" (laugh please) in Mott Haven, where I live, had a film crew a few weeks back, Ed Norton and Colin Farrell at Alexander and 135th Street. Didn't get to see them, though.
Whoops... same movie!
There's a movie being filmed on 116th later this week. It isn't Pride and Glory but I didn't catch the name.
I hung out with some local hoochies -- all of us hoping to catch some time with Farell but had no such luck. Did see lots of crew members enjoying Sylvia's though.
While this doesn't apply to the "Hotties in Harlem" vein, it does to the "There's a bunch of filmin' going on in the 'hood" aspect of these posts:
Rescue Me was fliming Tuesday on 126th, between Lenox & 7th, and Law & Order SVU was filming today on 126th as well...
I say (only half-facetiously): neato.
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