Harlem Headlines

Suspects In Court: The four teenagers who allegedly chased an NYU student to his death during a failed robbery attempt in Harlem earlier this month are scheduled to appear in family court today. The suspects have been held in a youth detention facility, after the judge said the robbery of the student, Broderick J. Hehman, appeared to be premeditated, and that returning the boys to their homes before trial would be "contrary to their best interests" and those of the community.
Protests Over Harlem: Hundereds of demonstrators are expected to gather on 116th Street and Broadway at 4P.M. today to protest Columbia University's proposed $5-billion dollar expansion into the Manhattanville section of West Harlem. Protestors say the plan will destroy the historic area and damage the surrounding neighborhood.
More Soggy Bagel: The Associated Press reports on the "latest bit of suburban creep" to come to New York City – the 26-acre Randall's Island water park. Splash or Splat?
Does anyone else find the headline of the International Action Center (first link on Bagel's Columbia expansion section) press release to be a little self important? Using "Hurricane Columbia" is a bit much if they are trying to draw a comparison to the Gulf Coast disaster. Losing one's home for any reason is horrible, but the displacement of hundreds of thousands of people due to governmental blundering is on a different scale than the displacement of a few hundred people due to urban redevelopment.
Actually it's pretty tame for the International Action Center which is so far left it is practically Maoist and I see from their website is currently campaigning against "the vilification by the U.S. government to brand the DPRK (north Korea) as a violator of human rights."
This is not meant to belittle the protest against Columbia's expansion into Harlem. But the IAC is pretty nutty.
The New York attraction will include wave pools, action rivers and wading pools, and plenty of slides. A seven-acre indoor beach will give New Yorkers a year-round attraction; Coney Island, in contrast, is strictly seasonal (except to those twisted Polar Bear Club swimmers who take an annual winter dip in the Atlantic).
Now. I am a fan of water sports but....Indoor Beach???!! there just seems something a little wrong with that
Please write the following letter to:
To: Warner.Johnston@parks.nyc.gov
Subject: Randall's Island
Dear Mr. Johnston,
I was encouraged by the article in today's metro indicating that the proposed water park for Randall's island is close to being pulled off the drawing board. Like many New Yorkers, I have been following this issue with keen interest. As you are quoted in the article as saying, “This contract is terminable at will by us.” I encourage you and the NYC Department of Parks and Recreation to do just that, terminate this ill-advised project from the previous Administration. I look forward to your written response.
The article I am referencing is at: http://ny.metro.us/metro/local/article/Randalls_Island_water_park_washed_up/5234.html
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