Hot Today, Gone Tomorrow

As an increasing number of prospective buyers are looking for luxury apartments here in East Harlem, real estate developers are building new residences to keep up with demand. Here are a few of the newly constructed apartments available on the market today:
Pipin' Hot Bagel for Sale: A two-bedroom, two-bath penthouse apartment with two terraces, private roof deck and separate home office. Located on 112th Street and Second Avenue. Asking: $750K
Toasty Bagel for Sale: A three-bedroom, two-bath apartment with keyed elevator entry, stainless steel kitchen and common roof deck. On East 117th Street and Second Avenue. Asking $655K
Warm Bagel for Sale: A two-bedroom, two-bath south-facing apartment with small balcony and full-time concierge. Located on East 119th Street and Madison Avenue. Asking $500K
congrats on the publicity...perhaps you'll find that bagel after all.
i see you're quickly becoming as obsessed with Harlem real estate as the rest of us! (well at least me!)
Forget bagels and real estate. What really matters is the music, dammit. One Day in Harlem, Bird, Duke, Trane - that's Harlem. Is there anything happening in that gentrified Disney Store of a hood - even a Salsa scene - or is it all about comfy cafes and GAP stores?
As these luxury condos fill up it will increase the economic diversity of the neighborhood, not only the residents but also their friends that come to visit.
Harlem is certainly growing into a more mixed neighborhood, racially and economically.
I can only hope Harlem does not become an economically exclusive neighborhood and lose its vibrancy.
Personally, I feel a little uncomfortable in Settepani, it’s customers fit the demographic of the new economically exclusive neighborhood to come.
My friends and neighbors certainly never go there for coffee as they do not fit that economic group.
Just like it is wrong for whites to feel uncomfortable in any neighborhood.
It is also wrong for local people to feel uncomfortable in parts of Harlem.
Bebop is dead.
A nice history, but after all, history.
You know, guys are still playing all that we did years ago, things I did with Bird. Theyr'e still using those cliches and calling it jazz.
- Miles Davis
As long as Paul Motian, Chris Potter, and Joe Lovano, etc. are still around, history lives.
Unless you're Ken Burns. ;-)
Unless you're Ken Burns. ;-)
Or Wynton...
Nani, the rooms are tiny. I checked a 1 bedroom out a few months ago and it was pretty small. I also remember the 2bds were only around 700sq ft. It could be a nice place, but not for the prices they were originally asking.
119th and Madison....if you take the unit without the balcony (which is only about 3 ft x 2 ft) you can get it for $410K
110th and 2nd is completely over-priced for the square footage.
The owner for 111th and 3rd is still up in the air on whether he's going to do rentals or condo -- I think he's leaning towards condo. The units are fabulous but the prices are going to be steep, I think. Maybe $675/square foot.
There was a great unit further west a few weeks ago -- 127th btw. Park and Madision....$400K for 4 bedrooms, wash/dry in the apartment, 1200 sq. feet, elevator (no doorman) renovations. I was amazed.
Okay, enough random real estate stuff.
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