Beware Of Bagel

Some bad press for the bagel today.
It seems the dough with a hole is responsible for more emergency room visits than all other household mishaps combined. An article in an Indiana newspaper (of all places) warns that people are slipping and slicing open their hand while trying to cut open the bagel.
Lucky for us, the writer offers some "anxiety-free slicing" tips that include pinching the bagel firmly between the thumb and fingers and using a gentle but steady sawing motion.
Practice safe bagel.
You know, this past Saturday I had friends over to my place in Mott Haven, and I served bagels and lox... and as I was slicing the bagels, guess what? I sliced opened my finger as well. Very timely instructions, Nat, thanks!
i cut my finger on this post.
Bravo for the awareness raising on the dangers of my favourite food! I was once a bagel statistic (stiches and all) and have lived to tell the tale.
Thanks for keeping me up to date on my hometown!
Missing matzah in Kinshasa
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